Egypt Dialogue Series: A series of discussions on global issues with Pitt and Egyptian university students

The Global Studies Center and the African Studies Program invites Pitt students to dialogue with students at American University in Cairo (AUC) on topics concerning politics, economics, revolutions, religion, terrorism, American foreign policy, women’s rights, occupation, sharia law and more. All the topics you shouldn’t discuss at a cocktail party! The Egyptian students are enrolled in a interdisciplinary global issues course at AUC. This session will be facilitated by Dr. Mohammed Bamyeh, Professor of Sociology. A suggested short list of articles to read prior to the session where students are encouraged to exchange ideas and opinions on these very timely issues. Up to 35 students can participate (undergraduate and graduate students welcome.)

November 13 Topic of Discussion: The Middle East, Africa and the US: What are the major issues, shared views and diverse perspectives? How does the current crisis in Syria and Egypt impact US citizens? How is US foreign policy viewed in terms of African development and revolutions in the Arab world? Is Palestine a forgotten issue? How do students view Turkey as a model of democracy? What is the role of the Saudi Arabia in impacting decisions made in Cairo and Washington DC.

Participants are encourage to read the two articles prior to discussion:

Event Date: 
Wednesday, November 13, 2013 - 10:00am to 12:15pm
Sponsored By: 
CERIS, Global Studies Center and the African Studies Program, University of Pittsburgh
Elaine Linn,
3431 Wesley W. Posvar Hall, University of Pittsburgh
Target Audience: 
Higher Education
Presenter Type: 
Undergraduate Student