Global Perspectives: Conflict in Syria

Perspectives: Conflict in Syria, at 7:00 pm, October 16, 2013, in Heritage Hall at the Pitt-Johnstown Living Learning Center.

Dr. Ahmad Massasati, instructor of geographic information systems, is bringing his unique real world perspective of events to the panel, having been born and raised in Aleppo, Syria.
Dr. Chris Cook, assistant professor of political science, will provide a foreign policy expertise to the discussion on United States involvement in Syrian affairs.
Dr. George Berger, associate professor of economics, with research interests in labor and globalization can offer a distinctive perspective on the economic forces driving the geopolitical affairs.
Dr. Kristen Majocha, assistant professor of communication and Navy veteran, will stress an intercultural approach to understanding the challenges of communication.

The panel moderator Dr. Robert Matson, professor of history, will provide opportunities for the panelists to respond to questions from the audience.
This event is open to the public and is sponsored by the Pitt-Johnstown Wounded Warrior Fundraising Initiative, Geography Club, and History Club.

Donations for the Wounded Warrior Fundraising Initiative will be collected at the event.

Event Date: 
Wednesday, October 16, 2013 - 7:00pm to 8:30pm
Sponsored By: 
University of Pittsburgh Johnstown, Pitt-Johnstown Wounded Warrior Fundraising Initiative, Geography Club, and History Club.
Jacob Wolff,
Heritage Hall at the Pitt-Johnstown Living Learning Center, University of Pittsburgh Johnstown
Target Audience: 
General Public
Presenter Type: 
Faculty of Institution