
Islam and Islamic Studies Resources

Islam and Islamic Studies Resources

For Studying Islam and the Diverse Perspectives of Muslims

Information for the study of Islam, Qur'an, hadith, the Sunnah, Shi'ism and Heterodox Movements Sufism and Sufi Poetry Islam in the modern world, militant Islam, jihad, Islamist or extremist Muslims, and terrorism, Islam in Iraq, Muslim women, Islamic art, architecture, music, as well as Islamic history, theology, philosophy, and Arabic and other Islamic languages such as Persian, and religion in general.

From University of Georgia.

Internet Islamic History Sourcebook

Subset of texts derived from the three major online Sourcebooks on Islamic History, along with added texts and web site indicators. For more contextual information, for instance about Western imperialism, or the history of a given period, check out these web sites.

Page from the Fordham University, The Jesuit University of New York.

Fons Vitae: Interfaith Publisher

A non-profit, academic press, publishes interfaith scholarly works focused primarily on world spirituality.

A peer-reviewed publishing house, Fons Vitae is distinguished for its significant English translations of key Arabic and Persian works, especially in the field of Sufism.

Scholar of the House

Bibliography of recommended books on Islam from Dr. Abou El Fadl.

Morocco Mama

Blog from Nora living in Morocco.

Informed Comment

Resources on the Middle East, the Islamic World, history, religion, and commentary on current events with Juan Cole, Richard P. Mitchell Collegiate Professor of History at the University of Michigan.

Marc Manley: American Muslim Writer/Educator

An American Muslim writer, thinker, and educator, working to remove the accidental and the incidental from quintessential discussion on Islam in America. Currently the Muslim Chaplain at the University of Pennsylvania and Drexel University.


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